When It Rains, It...Well, you know the rest

I’m wondering, if like me, things come to you in clumps. Long periods without too much going on then SLAM! You are up to your eyeballs in things to do. That’s where I am right now.

The biggest wallop was midterm grades. Yes, I generally know when they are due but I nearly always underestimate how much time I need to do them, and how much stress they cause me. Fortunately, they don’t make me as agitated as final grades but the reason is the same. I do not want to make a mistake. I want to give my students a fair and accurate accounting of their progress. For me, that means quadruple checking not only my tally, but the gradebook itself.

In the middle of my arduous midterm process, I was reminded that I agreed to do a workshop on culturally competent practices and motivational interviewing. Although the workshop isn’t until later this year, I am working with a partner and that means getting ready now (and not doing my usual job of procrastination).

And my picture window finally failed. Completely. It has been difficult to open and shut for a good while. It was framed in wood and about 70 years old. My partner and I had to clear out the living room to make space for the installers. That process showed us in the bright light of day how terrible our floors looked so we took on the additional task of waxing. We are only now finishing putting all the furniture back in place.

Wait, there’s more.

Because this is midterm time, it is also time for students to register for next semester’s classes. Today, I have meetings from 10am to 6pm. Tomorrow, it’s 8am to 5pm. When do I prep for next week’s classes, you ask? Good question.

I’m tired, but I’m not complaining. I know I’m fortunate to have a job I like that supports my writing and keeps my partner and me fed and clothed and sheltered. The truth of the matter is I’d be BORED out of my mind if I had any less to do.

Apparently, I like the pouring rain.