Abundance and Gratitude

Fall Still Life

I am, by nature, an emotional person. I cry at television contests (I can’t get through Dancing with the Stars or the Great British Baking Show without tears. Seriously.) I get choked up at family sagas, coming-of-age tales, and most romance stories. My heart is overjoyed when the underdog wins

I’m most emotional at this time of year. Throughout November, I make it a priority to be completely aware of all of the things in my life I’m thankful for: A partner who is my best playmate and who has my back through good years and the rough ones. Friends that love me despite the fact that I’m difficult to love. A job that suits my purpose. Caring and talented doctors. Brilliant and generous coworkers. My lovable dogs. My doll house of a home. Prince. BTS.

I appreciate each and every person who has read my books, signed up for my newsletter, or attended a workshop I’ve given. If you enjoyed them, then I consider you to be a kindred spirit. I’m ever grateful for you.

It hasn’t always been easy. I’ll spare you the details as I’m sure we all have had storms to weather. The point is, I’m grateful for the storms. They brought me here.

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving. May the day bring you peace, joy, and stuffing. Lots of stuffing.