
Once More Unto the Breach #CampNano


I think I’m addicted to NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Every November, I sign up with millions of others around the world to pledge to write a new 50,000 word novel in thirty days. No one is expected to have a polished novel at the end of that time, rather a draft that you can edit and turn into a finished work. Sounds good, right?

It is. It is also incredibly stressful. Writing is not easy. In fact, is it one of the most difficult ventures I’ve ever taken on. Sometimes the words flow like water. Most of the time, however, it’s like bleeding on the page. Stripping pieces of your soul. Add to that, trying to write at a much faster pace than I manage normally, and you have a grueling, stressful process.

Camp Nano, which takes place in July, is a kinder, gentler version of NaNoWriMo. You still have 30 days, but it’s not in the middle of the biggest holiday season, and you can pick any project you choose—something new, or a project you’ve worked on before. You also don’t have to add 50K. My goal is to finish the novel I’m working on by adding 20K words. I should be able to accomplish it.

What both programs have in common is the camaraderie, the sense of “I’m not in this alone”, unlike the rest of the months I write. As I’m also a competitive person, the drive to claim the winner’s badge also helps me to focus on achieving my goal.

So…here I go. Wish me luck.