
Legacies and Outer Banks: The Good, the Bad, and the Ridiculous 4/5 Stars


This week I’m offering a twofer. I recently finished watching two series.

The first binge-worthy show was Legacies (two seasons), which is a sequel to both Vampire Diaries and The Originals. It features characters from both shows with a focus on their children.

I have to admit, I watched Season 1 and 2. After the first season I was hooked. The characters were quirky and interesting, the plot moved along quickly and drew me right into the story. I found myself really caring about the kids and feeling their joy and pain as it unfolded. The second season started off similarly.

Slowly, I started to notice that threads were being left untied. One of the main characters turned into a villain (for which the groundwork had been nicely laid), but very quickly became a bit of a caricature, complete with a new hairstyle, goth clothing, and dramatic make-up. Oh, and she gained the ability to fly. The story lost me for a few episodes. However, I’m glad I stuck with it, as it redeemed itself and wrapped up nicely at the end. The good guys prevailed.

Outer Banks is also a show about an ensemble of high schoolers. I found myself recognizing all of them from my youth—The poor hero, a good guy who is making the most of a challenging life. The bad boy with an abusive father but with a heart of gold. The newly rich girl who struggles to fit in and the uber rich girl who falls for the poor good guy. A star-crossed trope for sure, with some of the worst and corniest dialogue I’ve ever heard. Many of the secondary characters are stereotypes and are overacted. BUT…I could not stop watching.

Each of the teenagers in the main cast is engaging and likable. The story pulled me in from the start and I stayed along for the ride, rooting (occasionally aloud) for them to succeed in their quest. And the view—I may have been destined to love this show because the scenery was everything I love the ocean waves and the beach.

There you have it. Both shows receive a 4 out of 5 star rating from me. Imperfect, yes. Engaging, yes. An absolutely fun.